Reglas – Rules English

                             Liga Latino Americana De Futbol

                                  Rules  y   Regulations 2018


We will be enforcing the Rule on not taking glass containers and leaving trash on the field after their games this season

                  CHAPTER   I

01.  The Latin-American soccer League of St. Louis Mo. Is a soccer organization exclusively

amateur and is integrated by the affiliated teams.

02.  The Latin-American soccer League is integrated by the teams and by the Board of Directors.

03.  The Board of Directors is form by a President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, and a

Disciplinary Board.

04.  The Board of Directors has the faculties of:

A) Convoke the ordinary or extraordinary meetings.

B) Accept or not the Presidents or Deputies of the clubs or teams.

C) To see fulfillment and applications of the Sanctions and Rules in this statements.

D) When the President is not available the Vice-President or Secretary or any member of the

Board of Directors will take his place in the correspondent meeting or duties.

F) Mediate in the best way possible to prevent any team dissolution.

05.  To register to the Latin-American soccer League the teams are required to:

A) Show a request in writing to the League, and has to be signed by the President or Deputy of

the team, and must have: The team’s name, jersey’s color, address and telephone numbers

of the President and Deputies.

B) The registration request must have the player’s roster and registrations. In case that anyone

of the players, is eligible for disciplinary actions, it will not be able to play until the

sanctions are paid off.

C) The Board of Directors, will give a copy of the Rules and Regulations to the team’s

Presidents, and they must sign, compromising to follow the Rules and let the players know

about the Rules, so we can have a peaceful season.

D) Pay the deposit and the registration fee, BEFORE the beginning of the season, that will be

according to what set on the first meeting.

06.  If by the end of the season, any team decides they do not want to participate on the following

season, they must to notify the League, on writing within 3 weeks after the League’s final game.

The League will return the deposit minus fines and dues from the correspondent team.

Failure to file a request will be consider like a participating team and the deposit not be


CHAPTER   II   Presidents Deputies and Meetings

01.  The teams must have a President and two Deputies, and one will be the First Deputy and the

other one the Second Deputy, and only one of them will have the vote, on case the President is

not available.

02.  The Board of Directors, will only discuss matters with the President or Deputies of the teams,

and they be call to extraordinary meetings to discuss important matters.

03.  To be consider an ordinary meeting, at least 50% of the team’s representatives  and ONE must

be present.

04.  We will have 3 obligatory meetings, the First one before the beginning of the season, the Second

one at the middle of the season, and the last one before the Play-Offs.

05.  If any of the team’s representative do not attend to an obligatory meeting, the team will not be

able to play the following game, if it is before the beginning of the season, they will be suspended

from the warm up tournament, if it is on the middle of the season, they will be suspended their

next game of the regular season and forfeit the game, if it is before the Play-Offs they will be out

of the Play-Offs. And will lose the rights to discuss or appeal anything.

06.  Any team not attending to the obligatory meetings, will have a 20.00 Dollars fine.

07.  The Rules from this statement, will not be voted or changed for any reason.

08.  The agreements we have on a particular meeting, must be voted and have to be approved by the

half plus ONE to be valid. But this agreements can not go against this Rules. This agreements

must be valid, and must be obey by the League’s teams since the day we have the agreement.

09.  Only the registered President or Deputies should attend to the ordinary or extra-ordinary

meetings, unless the League under previous notification, from the correspondent team, gives a

permit to any other person.

10. The teams should notify by writing, phone, or e-mail any changes on their Board of Directors,

and the League will notify the teams about any incorrect conduct from any of the Deputies or

President of the team, so it can be replaced.

11.  The extra-ordinary meetings will be held when the League call them. Or at the request of any of

the teams and the request must be approved by the League, and must be at least 7 Days after

the request.

12.  The Supreme authority of the League it’s, The Board of Directors, the Team’s Presidents, and

the team’s Deputies on that order.

13.  Each team has the right to ONE vote on the correspondent meeting.

14.  The team’s Board of Directors are responsible for the payments of fines, deposit, registration

fees, etc. the League will only deal with the  team’s Directors.

CHAPTER III  Correspondence

01.  The correspondence from the teams to the League, must be signed by the President o Deputies

and must be sent before the team’s next game.

02.  If any of the League’s teams have a compromise, they must request a permit within 15 days

prior to the date they need the permit, on writing letting the League know the specific day they

need the permit, otherwise they will forfeit their game and will be fined according to what the

League decide.

03.  When a team requires a permit with less than 15 days on advance, the opponent has to agree. If

the opponent do not agree and the game is cancel. The team canceling the game will forfeit.

04.  Only one permit per team per season will be given.

05.  None of the teams will be able to have a permit if the team schedule to play on that date already

had 2 permits during the season.

06.  The postponed games because of permits, will be re-schedule to play by the League may be on

Saturdays or Holydays or any other day at the League’s notification.

07. Any postponed game must to be play within 3 weeks after the permission or cancelation date.

08.   The opponent of the team requesting permission has the priority to pick the date and time. But

it has to be on a Saturday or Sunday or a Holiday.

09.  If any of the teams change the name or joints with another team, all the prior fines or fees must

be paid.

10.  The attain funds of the League by registrations and fines, will be given to the Treasurer, and

will be used to maintain and improve the League.

11.  All the League’s teams, must notify on writing, on time, to the League of any changes on their

own Board, otherwise, the decisions of the new Board will not be valid.

12.  All the League’s teams, must pay their fees and sanctions. The registration fee or deposit before

the beginning of the season, the sanction’s fines before the next game. Any team or player not

complying with this Rule, will be suspended or forfeit the game according to the League’s


13.  Any team not paying the registration fee on time, will receive a 20.00 Dollars fine.

   CHAPTER IV Player’s Registrations and Trades

01.  All the teams at the beginning of the season, must have a roster with the name and last name,

and birth date. And it’s the Coach’s responsibility to get the correct information.

02. Valid I.D.’s for this Season are this.


03. If a player do not have a current I.D. the only way the palyer can play, it iis this way: With the

opponent’s coach permission and the referee’s permission It hast to have both permissions. If

both  permits are not granted and the player plays the team will forfeit the game.

04. All players must be at least 17 YEARS old to be eligible play on this League.

05.  The team’s Board of Directors is responsible of check names, last names and birth dates and are

responsible of any accident to their players at the game before the game or after the game.

06.  During the season, every team has the option, to register a minimum of 13 players, and a

maximum of 22 players. With the option for more registrations and resignations.

07.  On order to register a player the team must to return the I.D. of the unassigned player

to the League.

08.  Will be permissible to make trades 5 games before the end of the regular season.

09.  Before a player can change teams, the team must agree and the League’s Board of Directors

must approve it, and he have to rest a game after the approval’s date.

10.  If any of the player doesn’t agree on a trade with the team’s Board, he must request on writing

to the League’s Board of Directors, the League will check on the case, and if the player owe

something on registration fees or any other fee, he must pay the fees before changing teams, and

if the player has a signed contract, he must fulfill the contract. If everything is right, this player

must rest 3 weeks from the day he request the permission to change teams.

11.  The registration’s I.D. will be valid only if they have League’s President or Secretary


12.  The pictures to register players I.D. size and the players must not be wearing a hat or nothing

interfering with the player‘s identification.

13.  There will be a minimum of 48 hours to make an I.D.

14.  All the I.D. cards must be paid at the time the team request them, and the picture must be

recent and player’s name must be on the back of the picture. Any request without the

correspondent requirements will not be process.

15.  The ID cost it is 5.00 Dollars. ID’s will be made from Monday to Friday if an ID it is made on a

Saturday depending on available time the cost will be 10.00 Dollars.

16.  The picture I.D s must to be recent with the current year and season to be valid.

17.  Nobody will be able to change teams twice during the season. ONLY ONCE.

18.  Nobody will be registered or unregistered if owes any fine or sanctions, if it’s from previous

seasons the player will not be able to register.

          CHAPTER  V  Jerseys and Field’s Rules

01.  The Coachs or captains must to be identified with the referees, before the beginning of the game

or at the time to give the game report sheet, with the name and the title on the sheet.

02.  The referees will only deal with the coachs or the captains.

03.  Any protest to the League’s Board of Directors, must be on writing, and during the week

NOT on the soccer field, before the game during the game or after the game.

04.  All the teams must be properly dressed for the game, and at the right time and all the players

must have a number on the jersey and must be clearly visible.

05.  All teams must have the home’s team colors and design on the registration slip, and they must

wear this uniform when they are the home team, or any other only if this other uniform is not

the same colors and design from the opponent.

06.  If for any reason the two teams, have the same jersey’s colors on a regular game or play-offs,

the away team must change the jerseys. (the visiting team it’s the second one on the schedule)

07.  If the away team does not have another uniform different than the away team, they will forfeit

the game.

08.  Any player without a number on the jersey will get a warning, the second time will be ejected

from the game, also a player with the same number as another player from the same team.

09.  All the teams must have a net and three flags, and one team have to install one of the nets and

the three flags on one side, and the other team the other net and the flags on the other side.

10.  Any team without nets or corner flags , will forfeit the game.

11.  It will be a 15 minutes waiting period to one or both teams. If by the end of the waiting period

one or both teams are not present, the game will be forfeit. If nobody request a waiting period

with the referee, there will a 5 minutes waiting period only.

12.  The match must to start when the team requesting the waiting period, has the minimum of

players required to start a the game.

13.  The referee can end the game if a team refuse to play with the players already present and this

team will forfeit the game.

14.  It will be consider present, a player ready to play or trying to get ready on the soccer field.

15.  The minimum number of players required to start a game, will be 7 players

16.  If any of the teams it’s not present, it will forfeit the game and will pay both referee’s fee and a

fine. If both teams are not present they both must pay the referee’s fee and the fine, and none of

the teams will get the points.

17.  If for any reason the referee is not present, the Captains o team’s Board if both agree, they can

get somebody from the spectators. And the match will be valid, if they play with an improvised

referee, the winner must send the referee’s report, if it is a tie the home team must send it,

failure to send a report will result on a point lost. If they don’t agree to play the League will re-

schedule the game for another day without referee’s fee charge.

18.  The game duration will be 90 minutes divide on two half’s with a 5 minute rest at the half.

19.  An official match can be suspended if:

A) Scandalize by the public or fans.

B) By the state of excitement of the players, threaten with potential aggressions or general riots.   ?      C) Indiscipline by one or more players, failing to accept the referee’s decisions, and not giving him a chance to make his own decisions on the game, or not agreeing on the ejections of one or more players.

D) If the match is suspended because any of this causes, the referee will make a report, with the

score at the time of the suspension of the game, and the time played. The League will take

under consideration the responsibility of any individuals on the report, to resolve this matter.

If they have to play the rest of the game, the League will schedule the date and time, and the

teams must play with the same amount of players, and without the ejected players on the


20.  Before the suspension of a game because of team’s fans scandalizing, the referee he decides to do

so, will talk to the Coach or Captain, and ask them to calm the fans, but if they

keep insulting or scandalizing, the referee will end the game up. And the team will forfeit the

game if that team was wining or tie at the time of the game’s suspension.

21.  When a game is suspended from natural causes because of rain, lighting or broken goal post or

no soccer ball available etc. the score will remain as at the time of the game’s suspension, if the

game is stopped on the second half. If not the League will re-schedule the remaining of the time

on another date.

             CHAPTER   VI   Referee’s Report Slips

01.  The teams will receive referee’s report slips, before and during the season, to give it to the

referee, one for each game and 5 for emergencies.

02.  The teams must give the report slip to the referee, at the beginning of the game, with the

player’s name and the correct information like the last name and the player’s number.

03.  Failure to give the report slip will result on losing the right to appeal, like

ejected players, game suspended, goals, etc.

04.  At the end of the game, the referee’s report slip must be signed by the team’s Board. And only if

none of the Board’s members it’s present, the Captain must sign it.

05.  The team’s Board shouldn’t write anything on the report’s slip, unless the referee authorizes. If

the team doesn’t agree with the report, a protest  must be filed on writing to the League no

more than 8 days after the end of the game.

06.  The team’s Board or Captain refusing to sign the report’s slip, will lose any right to appeal.

Before signing  the report all the information should be check.

07.  If any team request a copy of the referee’s report, the League will send a copy by E-Mail

if it is any controversy on the report.

08.  Failure to sign the referee’s report will result on a 10.00 Dollars fine and lose the right to appeal.

                  CHAPTER  VII  Referees

01.  We will try to get referee’s from the referee’s schools or from the players that think they are

capable of be referees, and both teams must pay the referee’s fee.

02.  The referee must give a detail report of the assigned match, and must provide a copy of the

report slip to the representatives of both teams, and the slip must stated this.

A) The starting time and ending time of the game. The incidents during the game.

B) Report yellow cards and red cards, and make sure it’s the right player, number and motives.

C) Check  and write the right name of the goal scorers.

D) Review the player’s list from both teams.

E) Give a copy of the report to both teams.

03.  The agreements from the teams with the referee at the game, must be without violating the

League’s Rules and Regulations, the same way the agreements from the referee with the teams.

04.  If at the game’s time the referee is drunk or intoxicated, the representatives from both teams

must not accept his services, and report him to the League’s Board for further investigation.

05.  The referee’s fee must be paid at the beginning of the game or at the latest before the beginning

of the second half.

06.  The referee’s decisions are unquestionable and the players must obey and respect them.

07.  The team’s Captains are the only players can question a referee’s decision on the game, and

only if they question with good manners, and with the referee’s permission.

08.  The player’s identification must be before the beginning of the game, and the referee must be

present, and both Captains must check each other I.D. s if required.

09.  When a team file a protest, not necessary about the game’s result, but about the referee’s

performance, must be this way.

A) On writing statement before the next game. Or SEVEN days after the game.

B) State the motives of such protest, and  the referee’s deficient conduct or performance must

be proved.

C) If the League accepts the protest, an investigation will be held.

10.  The League will not accept any protest without the proper requirements.

11.  The referees have the authorization to report any insult or aggression up to 24 hours after the

end game, and on case any aggression from players, team representatives or fans, he has the

right to take them to court, and the League will provide all the information so the responsible

person get punished.

12: Referee’s Fees:

A.    A)  1 Referee and 2 Flagmens  150.00 Dollars 75.00 per team.

B.    B)  2 Referees 110.00 Dollars  55.00 per team.

C.    C)  1 Referee only 80.00 Dollars  40.00 per team.

      Chapter  VIII  Sanctions and Fines Teams

01. By general rule when a game It is suspended because of indiscipline, fight or other cause, the

team at fault will lose the game if they were wining or tie at the moment.

02.  Any team failing to pay the referee’s fee, because not agree with the referee’s decisions, the

team’s representatives must pay it before the following game. If it’s the team’s fault this team

will have to pay a 20.00 Dollars fine.

03.  Any team failing to pay two times ,  will be suspended from the League will lose the deposit .

04.  Any team failing to attend to the correspondent game, and after the waiting period expires, will

forfeit the game and this team must pay both teams referee’s fee and a 30.00 Dollars fine.

05.  Any team not attending to the correspondent game for two consecutive weeks , without none of

the players present, will be suspended from the League and will lose the deposit’s fee.

06.  Any team with 4 forfeit games for any reason, will be suspended from the League.

07.  Any team playing with unregistered players, or suspended or without a valid I.D. will forfeit the

game if it was a win or a tie.

08.  Any team walking out of the soccer field, before the end of an official game without the referee’s

permission, will have to pay the referee’s fee for both teams, and will have a 100.00 Dollars fine

and will forfeit the game. The second time will be suspended from the League and lose the

deposit’s fee.

09.  Any team retiring from the League after the groups are classified, will lose the deposit and

registration’s fee, if it’s the player’s fault they will be suspended and they are not will be able to

play the rest of the season.

10.  Any team with ejected players, and them refuse to get out of the soccer field, and the team’s

Captain not supporting the referee’s decision, and the game is suspended because of it, the team

will forfeit the game and the players will penalized according to this Rules.

11.  Any team playing with ejected players from prior games, will forfeit the game.

12.  Any team not attending to any of the postponed games, and it’s schedule to play after the end of

the season or Play-Offs, will have a 50.00 Dollars fine and will have to pay the referee’s fee, and

if it’s on the Play-Offs will be out of the Play-Offs and none of the suspended players will be

waived for that game.

13.  Will be a game’s forfeit if:

A) Any team begin the game with less than 7 players.

B) Any team after a player’s ejection, let the same player go into the game the same game.

C) Any away team not having a different uniform than the home team.

14.  Any team reported from taking glass containers to the soccer fields, will get a 50.00 Dollars fine,

and if keeps doing it will be suspended from the League.

15.  Any team reported of leaving trash on the soccer fields, will get a warning on the SECOND

warning will get a 50.00 Dollars fine, and if keeps doing it, will be suspended from the League.

16.  Any team or team’s fans, insulting the referee, and forcing him to stop the game, will lose the

game if they were winning or tie at the moment the referee stopped the game, and they will have

a 30.00 Dollars fine.

17.  Any team or team’s fans reported of attacking the players, without getting into the soccer field,

with cans or any other object, or physical contact, before the game during the game or after the

game, will get a 50.00 Dollars fine. If it’s during the game the referee will stop the game and the

will get the correspondent sanctions.

18.  Any team or team’s fans reported of attacking the referee during the game or after the game,

physically or with any object, will be suspended from the League  and possible penal charges all

according to the assault.

19.  Any team or team’s fans getting into the soccer fields, to attack the players that fan’s team will

lose the game and will get a 100.00 Dollars fine. The second time they will be suspended from

the League.

20.  Any team involved on a general brawl, and the team’s fans not participating, will lose the game

and get a 100.00 Dollars fine, if it’s on the Play-Offs they will be out of the Play-Offs, the second

time they will be suspended from the League.

21.  FOUR or more players fighting will be consider a general brawl.

22.  Any team involved on a general brawl, and the team’s fans participating will get a 200.00

Dollars fine will lose the game and the 2 TWO following games the second time will be

suspended from the League.

23.  When there is a general brawl, the League will have an investigation and the decision will be

based on the referee’s report, witnesses, and both teams versions and will interview the referee

to make a final decision. The League it’s the one deciding who it’s the guilty team.

    CHAPTER   IX   Sanctions and Fees  “ Players “

Note: If any of the players receives a RED card, and the referee return the I.D. please do not play this Player before checking with the Leagues and find what is the player’s status.

01.  Will be a game suspension for:

A) Any player getting a normal red card.

B) Any player reported from walking out of the soccer field without the referee’s permission.

C) Any player reported of questioning the referee’s decisions on an improper way.

D) Any player reported of insulting his teammates or the opponent team’s players.

E) The team’s Captain not helping with the referee’s decision on an ejected player getting out

of the soccer field.

F) Any player reported from intending to fight.

G) Any player not participating on the game, getting into the soccer field intending to fight with

another player participating on the game.

H) Any player walking out of the soccer field, intending to fight with another player or


I) Any player getting _____5_____ yellow cards during the season.

J) Any player getting into the soccer field with no number on the jersey.

K) Any ejected player for having the same jersey’s number than other player from the same


L)  On  the case of a player suspension appeal or game reduction, because of a direct red card or

2  yellow cards. The appeal must to be made no more than 4 days after the date of the

player’s suspension. If after investigating and consulting with the designated referees the

player do not deserve the suspension, the suspension will be void. On the case of game

reduction, the situations will be consider to determine the game reduction.

02.  Will be a TWO game suspension for:

A) Any player insulting the referee participating or not participating on the game.

B) Any player reported for un-sportsmanlike conduct to the public, making obscene gestures or

insulting the public.

C) Any ejected player getting into the soccer field for any reason.

D) Any player attacking an opponent, if this doesn’t lead to a general brawl, and a 20.00 Dollars


E) Any player hurting on purpose an opponent impeding from continue to play.

F) Any player, Captain or team’s representative, destroying the referee’s report slip, and a

20.00 Dollars fine.

G) Any player reported of spiting on an opponent, if this doesn’t lead to a general brawl.

03.  Will be a TRHEE game suspension to:

A) Any player intending to fight after being ejected, and a 20.00 Dollars fine.

B) Any player reported TWICE of insulting the referee, and a 20.00 Dollars fine.

C) Any player reported of intending to attack a referee, and a 20.00 Dollars fine.

D) Any player ejected on the game or a previous game, go to the games acting like a fan, and

insults the referee or the opponent’s players. And a 20.00 Dollars fine.

04.  Any player reported of starting or participate on a general brawl, will get a SIX games

suspension and a 25.00 Dollars fine.

05.  A) Any player register with two teams or more will get a TRHEE MONTHS suspension, this

include the Rules 5 and 6 of Chapter V.

B) Any player reported of insulting the referee times will get a THREE MONTHS suspension,

and a 25.00 Dollars fine.

06.  Any player reported three times of very rough play will be suspended for the rest of the season.

07.  Will be a 12 MONTHS suspension to:

A) Any player reported of attacking a referee, or linesman on the game or after the game, and a

50.00 Dollars fine.

B) Any player or Deputy insulting or threat any member of the League’s Board, and a 50.00

Dollars fine, at the same time none of the Board’s member should be provoking the players

or Deputies. If after an investigation it’s found that the players or Deputies are not guilty the

suspension and fine will be lifted.

08. Any player intoxicated or drunk will not be able to play.

09.  The players reported from two or more infractions on the same game, will be penalized with the

correspondent sanctions for each infraction.

NOTE: The rules or situations not written on this statements, will be sanction according to the

interpretation of the League’s Board of Directors.

Play Offs, Semi Finals y  Finals

12 teams will advance to the Pla-Offs, the first 4 teams will advance directly, the remaining 8 teams will play a wild card game and will be like this depending on the points and goal average. 5 vs. 12, 6 vs. 11, 7 vs. 10 and 8 vs. 9. Depending on the winners and the points they will play this way 1 vs. 8,  2 vs. 7, 3 vs. 6, 4 vs. 5 . on all this games has to be a winner.

The team with the best position on the standings will win if it is a tie on the regular game.

Overtime or penalty shots will be only on the Semi Finals and Finals.

On the case of a tie on the regular game of the final 15 minutes over time periods must to be play and if it is still a tie penaty shots will decide the winner.

Los cambios de jugadores se haran en el centro con el 4 th. Arbitro.

Todos los aficionados y jugadores deben de estar atras de la segunda linea blanca.

Si  un aficionado o jugador o jugadores agreden o empujan al arbitro el partido se finalizara.

Si algun aficionado agrede a un jugador con cualquier objeto o fisicamente el partido se finalizara.

El costo de arbitraje para Play-Offs sera de 85.00 Dolares de acuerdo a la reunion en la reunion antes de empezar la temporada.

Play Offs, Semi Finals y  Finals

12 teams will advance to the Pla-Offs, the first 4 teams will advance directly, the remaining 8 teams will play a wild card game and will be like this depending on the points and goal average. 5 vs. 12, 6 vs. 11, 7 vs. 10 and 8 vs. 9. Depending on the winners and the points they will play this way 1 vs. 8,  2 vs. 7, 3 vs. 6, 4 vs. 5 . on all this games has to be a winner.

The team with the best position on the standings will win if it is a tie on the regular game.

Overtime or penalty shots will be only on the Semi Finals and Finals.

On the case of a tie on the regular game of the final 15 minutes over time periods must to be play and if it is still a tie penalty shots will decide the winner.

All the substitutions will be at the center with the 4TH. Referee.

All the fans and players must to be behind the second white line.

If a fan or a player or players attack o shove the referee the game will be over.

If a fan attack players with any object or physical contact the game will be over.

The Referees’s  fee for Play-Offs will be 85.00 Dollars according to the reunion before the start of the season.